I found this comic last month and it made me LOL (laugh out loud). When thinking about churches, visitors, being desirable, and inviting others, it is important to remember that every church has its challenges. As for us, it is important to remember to be honest about where we are in our membership and to be open to where God is calling us. Imagine seeing this church sign. Of course, it would make you laugh but it would most likely make you feel some sort of peace. Churches are made up of imperfect people that strive to love one another well. Please know that you are loved. This month when-ever you’re feeling defeated, unworthy, or hopeless remember that Christ says you are enough. You are not unlovable. Christ loves you and all the issues you have are swallowed up in His love for you. So come with your issues (even if you have a ton) and find worth in Christ.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Joy