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From the Pastor’s Desk – June 4, 2023

In the morning, while it was still very dark, [Jesus] got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.  Mark 1:35

Many of us live fast-paced lives. Even the “retired” folks have packed schedules and plans. We drift from one place to another ready to get there, get it over with, and move on to the next it on our list. Compliments have morphed into comments about how productive we are. “You are always on the go!” “Wow! How do you keep up with all that?” There is nothing inherently wrong or bad about being someone that is well scheduled and keeps up with a variety of interests. My only concern is that if we keep up this pace, we might find that it is not as fulfilling as we once thought. Instead of being lost in the excitement of what is next, we find ourselves worn down and worn out. This June, we are embracing the pause. We are using this month to find a “deserted” or “quiet” place to pray. By embracing the daylight’s lasting glow, we have time to meet with God. Our ministries continue. Our fellowship continues to be rich. Our hearts are still transformed by God. Our pause is just another way of intentionally seeking God’s presence in our lives. We often need a break to catch a breath. While we do, we hold on to the truth that the Spirit of God is still moving. This June, find your quiet place and pray. Be renewed and refreshed because even Jesus needed some time to regroup.




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