May is mental health awareness month! Mental health is not spoken about openly or enough in churches and Christianity. Pastors call mental health crises the “no casserole” disease because when it happens people often ignore the situation. Instead of bringing casseroles and offering support like other health challenges it goes unnoticed and causes deep pain for those that struggle. Christian author and therapist K. J. Ramsey writes, “I often hear Christians decrying therapists like we’re offering people sugar-water when they’ve got the pure thing. But it was the Body and the Blood that made me take bodies and bloodlines seriously. It is God-with-us that compels me to make the with-ness of God tangible.” If you are struggling, there is grace and hope for you. If you are on a journey to better understand who you are and how you function, God is there with you. If you feel shame, know that God casts it out because you are a beloved child of God. FBC and I are committed to supporting you no matter where you are or how it looks. Some steps to take this month might look like taking inventory of how you are feeling, what you are struggling with, how you react to situations, and what might be the next step. We want to walk alongside you. I am always happy to help make a referral to a trained mental health provider or meet with you to determine next steps. There is time, space, and love for you.
“I’m not okay” is sacred speech. “Help” is a full prayer. – K. J. Ramsey
Psalm 71:1-3
1 I have found shelter in You, Eternal One;
I count on You to shield me always from humiliation and disgrace.
2 Rescue and save me in Your justice.
Turn Your ear to me, and hurry to deliver me from my enemies.
3 Be my rock of refuge where I can always hide.
You have given the order to keep me safe;
You are my solid ground—my rock and my fortress.
Pastor Joy
Cindy says:
April 6, 2024 at 7:09 amThank you for your post in support of mental health. I have been a mental health RN for 30+ years. I have a burden for the spiritual nurturing that is absent for this population in so many places. Thank you for an open and supportive ministry to this dear population. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Many blessings.