• Sep2020

    September is here. Fall is on the horizon and leaves are changing (hopefully). For this edition of The Tower, I have asked Carol Roland to write something about The Street Ministry and her call to do ministry. It is so important to share each other’s stories and hope. Hopefully, she...

  • Jeremiah 18:1-6 We find ourselves on the cusp of another month that carries with it the same concerns and uncertainty of months past. August is usually a time ofback-to-school shopping and the smell of new crayons. It is often filled with the excitement of college students from all the different...

  • Church, The past couple months have been challenging and rewarding for us as a church family. With the spread of the coronavirus, suspending in-person worship, and learning to Zoom, we have been navigating these waters well. It is no surprise that God has been present in new ways during this...

  • Mar2020

    March Tower Edition Church Family, This March, we find ourselves at the beginning of the Lenten Season of the church worldwide. Lent is a particularly special time in the life of the church calendar. This season marks and symbolizes the 40-day fast that Jesus took in the wilderness before he...

  • Feb2020

    February 2020 The Tower We all made it to February! A month known for chocolates, flowers, and love. This month I would like us to celebrate Black History Month and Baptist Women in Ministry Month. As a church family that seeks to welcome and invite all people, I invite you...