Youth Ministry

At First Baptist Church we believe it is imperative to give our youth a safe place where they can share their thoughts and opinions in a spiritual environment. Being a middle or high school youth is seemingly harder now than it has ever been, especially with the popularity of social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. By fostering an open and learning environment, we aim to provide our youth with a strong base of Christian beliefs and safe place to explore those beliefs.  On Sunday mornings, we begin at 9:30 with Sunday school where we learn about Bible stories and participate in song time.  We’d love to have you join us!


Summer fun was capped off by participation in Vacation Bible School.  Several Mid and Senior High School Youth helped as helpers, leaders and food servers for the younger aged participants.


Youth Activities this summer included volunteer gardening, collecting money for Huskers Helping the Homeless and collecting/delivering food to Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach.


Several Youth attended camps at Camp Moses Merrill and participated in the many activities offered, including performing songs at the camp end program.


Worship on August 26 was led by the Mid and Senior High Youth.  Several spoke of their summer activities and shared their talents in song.


Helping prepare Camp Moses Merrill for Holidays with the Merrills was really fun!


2019 is here and already the Youth Group has been busy with projects.

They delivered winter wear and food to Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach, and helped with Hanging of the Greens.  When all was done,  they spent some time having fun at a movie!


We helped collect and distribute items for Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach,

attended Leadership Camp, and had a great time at Tutor Time this month.


We made several trips to Camp Moses Merrill to attend the activities over the summer!